Workshop & Tour Registration General Information

Workshop and Tour Registration Procedure for 2025!

You will choose a mode of transportation which sorts you into one of five groups. Those groups will each be assigned a different day to begin signing up for Workshops and Tours. On your assigned day, the registration forms will open for your assigned group.  (You must  be signed into your CGW account under the profile you used to register for Costume College).

Workshop registration is separate from the Tour registration – there are TWO forms, and each may only be submitted ONCE! At a later date, the workshop and tour forms will re-open for all registered students to sign up for any remaining workshop spots.

Rules - Workshops

  • You may select up to three (3) workshops
  • All selected workshops must be for yourself
  • All workshops must be for your OWN registered student profile
  • You may not register family or household members*
  • Workshop spots are NON-TRANSFERABLE
  • You may not register for multiple workshops in the same time slot
  • ALL overlapping workshop selections will be automatically canceled and refunded.

Rules - Tours

  • You may select up to two (2) tours
  • All selected tours must be for yourself
  • All tours must be for your OWN registered student profile
  • You may not register family or household members
  • Tour spots are NON-TRANSFERABLE

Refund & Transfer Policy:

Refunds:  Full refund available before May 31, 2025. Refund requests received after June 1, 2025, are at the teacher’s discretion.
Transfers:  Workshops & Tours are NOT transferable.

And now, the question we know everyone will be asking: HOW DOES THE LOTTERY WORK?

All students registering by May 14, 2025 will select from one of five modes of transportation on the registration form. This choice will determine your group. (The groups have limited numbers to ensure an even distribution.) IMPORTANT: THE GROUPS DO NOT YET HAVE AN ORDER. On May 15, 2025, the groups will be placed in a random order. On May 15, 2025, you will receive an email letting you know which day your group has been assigned (i.e. which day you will be able to access the workshop registration form) along with links to the forms. Workshop and Tour registration will begin for the first group on May 19, 2025 and will open each successive day for the rest of the groups , with the final group gaining access to registration on May 23, 2025.

Important Dates:

  • Thursday March 20 - Costume College Registration Opens
  • Friday, May 16th - Workshop and Tour Registration for Teachers and Committee Members opens
  • Wednesday, May 14th - Last day to register with lottery group assignment
  • Thursday, May 15th - Group Assignment dates sent to registered attendees via email
  • Monday, May 19th - Workshop and Tour Registration opens for Group 1
  • Tuesday, May 20th - Workshop and Tour Registration opens for Group 2
  • Wednesday, May 21st - Workshop and Tour Registration opens for Group 3
  • Thursday, May 22nd - Workshop and Tour Registration opens for Group 4
  • Friday, May 23rd - Workshop and Tour Registration opens for Group 5
  • Saturday, May 24th - Workshop and Tour registration opens for registrants who missed the lottery!
  • Monday, June 9th - Workshop registration re-opens to all attendees IF OPEN SPOTS REMAIN

Frequently asked questions:

How do I know which mode of transportation to pick when registering for Costume College to get the earliest workshop registration date?
You don’t. NO ONE knows which group will be first to register until after May 15th.

What happens if I register for Costume College after May 14th?
You will be able to register for workshops starting on Saturday, May 24th.

I’m a Teacher (or on the Costume College Committee)! How does this affect my registration?
The lottery DOES NOT affect workshop registration for Teachers and Committee Members. Teacher and Committee Member Registration will be on May 16th and is not affected by the lottery. You will still be asked to select a movie when registering for Costume College, however this will not change your registration date.

What happens if I’m unavailable on my assigned registration day?
Your assigned day is the EARLIEST date you may register for workshops. The form will remain available to you until June 30th or when all workshops have filled.

What happens if I have a minor child attending a workshop?
If this situation applies to you, you must both choose the same movie (group.) Please contact the Student Liaison ([email protected]) BEFORE workshop registration opens (no later than May 14th) for all accommodations.

What if I need ADA accommodations to help me with workshop registration and/or attending workshops?
Please contact the Student Liaison ([email protected]) BEFORE workshop registration opens and they will be able to assist you.

What if I have another question not answered here?
Please contact the Student Liaison ([email protected]) BEFORE workshop registration opens.