How to Register as a Prospective Teacher& Submit Class ProposalsThe Submission Period for Costume College 2025: December 12, 2024 to January 24, 2025Thank you for your interest in volunteering as a teacher for Costume College 2025! Submitting class proposals is a two-step process, (1) registering as a prospective teacher and (2) submitting class proposals. Step 1: Register as a Prospective Teacher1. Go to the Prospective Teacher Registration Form and sign-in using your CGW account profile sign-in information. If you don’t have an account yet, you will need to create one using the New Users option to access the form. (Creating a new account profile through the New User option does not require you become a CGW member or pay for a CGW membership.) 2. Complete the registration form. Information you will need to provide includes:
3. After submitting your teacher registration form (you only need to submit this information once), you’ll receive a confirmation email and be redirected to the Class Proposal Submission Form. Prospective Teacher Registration Form
Step 2: Submit Class Proposals1. The Teacher Registration Form will redirect you to the Class Proposal Submission Form after you submit it or after you register as a teacher you can access the Class Proposal Submission Form at You will not be able to access the class proposal form until you register as a prospective teacher. 2. Sign-in using your CGW account profile information. 3. Complete the Class Proposal Submission Form. The form allows you to submit up to 4 class proposals per form. If you want to submit more than 4 class proposals or want to submit class proposals at different times, you may complete the form more than once. Note: some options on the form will only be available after you selected the class type. Information you’ll need to provide for each class you propose:
4. After submitting your class proposal form you will receive a confirmation email. Classes will be selected for scheduling in February and you will be notified of which of your proposed classes have been scheduled and when via email to confirm that you are still willing to teach your class(es). If you have questions regarding how to fill out the please email the Teacher Liaison at [email protected] |