Classes - Lectures

Lecture classes may be taken by anyone who has registered for Costume College. They have an open attendance policy, restricted only by the space in the room. If a class is important to you, get there early to make sure you get a seat.

Examples of lecture classes we have had in the past:

Drafting Patterns from Grid Diagrams
Jane Cadieux 

Re-drawing pattern pieces from a tiny diagram printed in a book can be an intimidating prospect, but with a few handy tools, it can be quite easy. This class will be an overview on how it's done. In the class, I will demonstrate the basic approach by drawing out a sloper pattern, explaining how to make adjustments for body shape discrepancies as I go.

18th Century Hair Styling with Historical Products
Annette Grace and Cynthia Aronin

Students will be given a brief history of 18th century hairstyles of France, England, and America. They will also learn the various tools and products of the 18th century used to create these magnificent hairstyles, while observing a demonstration. Students will also learn where to purchase products, and be given resources to create their own, or great modern alternatives. These styles will primarily work for students with chin length or longer hair.

It's All About the Bones ... and Other Materials 
Linda Sparks 

Explore boning, busks , hoop steel and other materials in this lecture demo that will compare products and explain the characteristics of each so you better understand how to choose the right product for your project. Samples will be available to pass around and their uses demonstrated. 

Instagram Magic for Your Costuming Business 
Lauren Stowell 

We all know that social media is a powerful tool for promoting your costuming business, but some platforms are harder to crack than others. Lauren will share her "Rules for Instagramming Like a Boss," with dos and don'ts to making a strong, focused, successful Instagram account for your brand. 

US Army Uniforms 1915-1918 
Adam Lid 

This class will provide an overview of the uniforms and insignia of the American Soldier of the First World War era from 1915 through 1918. Both enlisted and officer uniforms will be covered with an emphasis on what was worn in field campaign conditions. There will be original artifacts on display as well as other visual aids. 

For a list of the classes offered at this years Costume College, see your Registration Book to see what fantastic classes you can choose from. Should you have any questions regarding our teachers, please contact our Program Teachers Chair.