Check In at Costume College

Welcome to Costume College 2025 “Check-In”, your first step to a wonderful weekend of costuming for all eras, universes and inhabitants.  This is a great time when alumni and newcomers gather together to share their excitement of costuming and connect with friends.

Costume College 2024 Thursday Check-in. Photo by Art Andrews

Check-In for Students will open on Thursday, July 31st, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, in the Century Prefunction Lobby and also Friday morning from 7:30am to 11:00am. Go to the Information Desk for any check ins after those times.



Check-In for Teachers will open on Thursday, July 31st, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, in Salon Room 210 (on the second floor). For Teacher check-in Friday through Sunday go to the Information Desk. Please do not try to check in at the Student check in area - even if you are also a Student - as all of your materials are in Salon Room 210. No need to stand and wait in two lines!

Costume College toto bag with CGW logo and decorated with flowers. Photo by R. Metzger

 Students will receive:

  • The Program Book, which includes maps, schedules, and course descriptions.
  • Your Costume College 2025 Badge – you are required to wear your badge at all times while in the hotel.
  • Time Traveler’s Gala - Roaring Twenties tickets, if purchased and special meal card, if requested.
  • Fantasy Tea - An Accidental Journey tickets, if purchased and special meal card, if requested.

Don’t forget to download the app (instructions in the Social Media section). It is a great complement to your registration materials.

To all our Volunteers, thank you for your support! Please consider volunteering at Check-In for an hour or two. It is a great way to support Costume College and meet the other attendees.

See you at Check-In!

WHEN: Thursday at 7:00 pm (start) until 9:00 pm
WHO: Students – WHERE: Century Prefunction Lobby 

WHO: Teachers – WHERE: Salon Room 210 (on the second floor)