PHOTOGRAPHYCostume College engages one or more professional photographers who act in an official capacity for the convention. Official Roving Photographers take candid pictures at events, classes, and in public spaces. Official Event Photographers take posed portraits of attendees in a designated area. Candid photos are available after the convention and digital copies are included as part of your registration fee. Posed portrait prints are available on demand at the event for a small fee. As at any public event, photographs of participants and their guests are taken and posted online. There are so many people taking photos that there is a real possibility that your photograph may be taken by Costume College photographers or attendees and thereafter posted on the Web. By attending Costume College, you give your consent to the posting of such photographs by us or others and waive all rights and claims with respect to the posting of such photographs. While we have no control over other peoples’ websites, Costumer’s Guild West, Inc. does not list names with the photos on our website. If you would like a photo posted on the Costume College or CGW website removed, please contact the Web Team at [email protected] and it will be taken down. It is harassment to continue to photograph someone who specifically asks you not to take photographs of them or their belongings. If someone asks you not to take such a photo, please comply with their request. For more information regarding our harassment policies see our harassment policy. Unofficial photographers (that is, photographers not officially engaged by Costume College, who may or may not be registered attendees) are allowed at the event. Unofficial photography is limited to the public areas of the convention with the exception of the marketplace. No unofficial/professional photography is allowed in the marketplace due to space/crowd flow issues. Unofficial photography may not disrupt events or impede the flow of foot traffic. Unofficial photographers may not monopolize areas intended to be used as photo ops by all attendees. Unofficial photographers are not required to purchase registration to Costume College, although they are welcome to do so. An unofficial photographer who has paid registration is welcome to enjoy the event but must follow our general event policies. Unofficial photographers with paid registration may take pictures inside classrooms for personal use only, and then only with the express permission of the individual teacher. An unofficial photographer without paid registration may operate in Costume College’s public spaces only. Unofficial photographers may not use any equipment other than their camera such as tripods, stand lights, free standing light rings, etc. while taking photographs at Costume College. Unofficial photographers may not charge money at Costume College or in the hotel for their pictures, though they may hand out business cards to attendees. No financial transactions for goods or services may take place between attendees (whether registered or not) onsite. Unofficial photographers may be asked to cease taking photos or to leave at any time. These policies are subject to change at any time without notice. |